Friday, July 31, 2009

A good Son

When do you know when you are good son?. Is it in the appreciation of your parents went you've grown into someone they can find pride in. Or, maybe, the small thing in life, the "Hallmark" cards and the flowers on her( mother) birthday and mother's day or the extras work you put in around the house --maybe I can trim the bushes when I mow the lawn. Yet-- whatever it may be -- would this be enough to warrant "a good son or daughter" award?

I suppose this is up to interpretation. In some parts of the world, some sons are asked to "sacrifice" themselves to "Alliah". I suppose some would think-- WOW!, what a great son. Well, I don't follow that sentiment, although the 72 virgins are appealing. I think that a son or a daughter can do what they can do, --and only what they can do -- the rest is up to faith or luck.
However hard it might be on the other person, the son or daughter can only giver so much.

Denying someone a specific request, particularly a family member, can be draining; it can "zap" you energy and leave you limp and tired. Yet, your denial should in no way by an obstacle to a continued fond relationship. This will, someday, be a passing issue, like most life-changing issue, they are dramatic and heart-breaking, but manageable. More Later.

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